Sunday, February 12, 2012

Obscurus Alpha Campaign: Week 2

Attention Imperial Command: This is Elroy Dansky submitting my account of another Ork battle. My apologies, I have no idea which sector the combat took place. My captors keep me locked in a dark cell and only bring me out when they want me to witness them slaughtering their human enemies.

The battle began this morning as the Ork camp was roused by the rumble of Imperial tanks and the loud barking of bolter fire. The Warboss immediately pulled me out of my cell and dumped me into the carriage of his Battlewagon.
I thought my eyes were deceiving me as I saw that the Orks were being raided by the Emperor's finest, the Astartes of the Ultramarines chapter! Gorgog Badzagga only seemed inspired by this challenge as he rounded up his boyz and dove headlong into the Space Marines. The Orks drove their Battlewagon into a Space Marine rhino, crushing it to ruin under their Deffrolla. The World Chompas were relentless in their attack, I even saw a Nob leap up and yank a Landspeeder out of the sky! Ultimately the battle was decided as Gorgog Badzagga met the Chaplain of the Ultramarines in hand to hand combat. The Chaplain fought valiantly, landing numerous blows with his Crozious. Somehow Gorgog remained standing and cut the Chaplain down with a mighty blow from his Power Klaw.

Chaplain meets Gorgog Badzagga.

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